Juno Spacecraft in Safe Mode for Latest Jupiter Flyby
NASA’s Juno spacecraft entered safe mode Tuesday, Oct. 18 at about 10:47 p.m. PDT (Oct. 19 at 1:47 a.m. EDT). Early indications are a...
Ring Runner
The Cassini mission to Saturn will be doing some ring science this week. On Oct. 10, Cassini's instruments will observe a stellar...
Blustery dust storm to shroud Mars in a few weeks
THE PLANET MARS arrives at Perihelion on 29 October, and remains visible in the evening sky during the remainder of this year. Shining at...
'Alien Megastructure' Star Keeps Getting Stranger
The more scientists learn about "Tabby's Star," the more mysterious the bizarre object gets. Newly analyzed observations by NASA's...
They Spy The Night Sky
Have you heard of star hopping and star parties? It’s where you can gaze into the night sky and view the spectacular show put up by the...
A Year After India's Space Odyssey
When India launched AstroSat, the country’s first dedicated space observatory, a little over a year ago, it was an occasion for...
Mars Orbiter Mission
The target is to put into orbit GSAT-19E, an indigenous communication satellite that will weigh about 3.3 tonnes, the heaviest payload to...
Plan To Help Moon-Landing Dream Flight
A small aircraft will be allowed to breach the ‘no-fly zone’ rules over the sprawling and high-profile Science City near Chitradurga soon...